Stannard Pressure Wash Ltd

Commercial Exterior Cleaning

Whether it be areas seen and judged by clients or customers, gutters that simply need to be maintained, buildings that need to be upkept or waste areas that require regular cleaning, or public areas, we have the capability to cater to your commercial need – hands-on or hands-off.

We work with commercial clients in a variety of sectors to meet their needs and the needs of their clients:

Cleaning companies often wish to provide their clients with exterior cleaning solutions. Property management companies often require our services to maintain their clients’ properties. Real estate agents often benefit from the valuation increase provided by introducing us to to their clients. Companies with physical shop-fronts benefit from the improved customer perception provided by a cleaner location. Companies with offices, warehouses or facilities benefit from our hands-off maintenance contracts. Local councils benefit from our ability to upkeep public areas, remove graffiti and chewing gum, steam-clean and clean out-of-hours. 

Many companies undervalue the role aesthetics play in their company success. Aesthetics defines customer perception, brand image, willingness to do business, staff morale, and much more. Expense spared on such things spell lost opportunity. Invest in your aesthetics, invest in your image, invest in the future.

Exterior cleaning solutions, tailored to your specific need. Contact us today for more information. When you don’t want standard, you need STANNARD.